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Welcome to the official blog of the Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals! We hope you will enjoy insightful and informative posts by our team of expert bloggers on a wide range of topics, including individual, small business and corporate insolvencies, budgeting, financial planning, credit rebuilding and other money management tips for anyone looking to live a debt free life.

What happens to your debt when you die?

Brandon Smith, CIRP, LIT October 10, 2024 The age old saying “you can’t take it with you” is interpreted to mean that your money and possessions cannot transcend beyond the grave, and therefore you should enjoy yourself while you are alive....

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Back to School Season

Collin LeGall, CPA, CMA, CIRP, LIT September 13, 2024 It's that time of year again and retailers are busy trying to encourage you to spend money with them! As exciting as it may be, this can be a stressful time for parents trying to budget for all the necessary...

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The Impact of Bankruptcy on Shareholders and Directors of Small and Medium Enterprises in Canada

Nathan Sugeng, MBA, CIRP, LIT August 9, 2024 Bankruptcy can be a daunting prospect for any business, but it is particularly significant for shareholders and directors of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). When a company incorporated under provincial...

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